Legacy Products
Transfer Plates
replaced by Transfer Nest

Standard Transfer Plate

There are Transfer Plates available for applications where the transfer position is mechanically attached to the external system. Transfer Plates have alignment features. Transfer Plates are manufactured in aluminium with an anodized surface finish.

Alignment Pins

Transfer Plate
    Active Plate Alignment

For applications requiring extremly high alignment accuracy there is an Active Plate Alignment available. The Active Plate Alignment is attached to the Transfer Plate. Every time a plate is accessed by the external system, the Active Plate Alignment is selected. The alignment takes approximately one second. The alignment accuracy is accurate to more than 0.1 mm. The Active Plate Alignment is controlled by the external system. The access is perfomed through the handler communication port.

  NTP Transfer Plate

This Transfer Plate is the best suited for high alignment accuracy and for very light plates. This Transfer Plate can be equipped with Active Alignment for even higher alignment needs.

Attachment Bores
      Transfer Plate Sensor

A sensitive optical sensor can be integrated into the StoreX Transfer Stations. The Transfer Plate Sensor will detect all commonly used plates. Transparent, opaque, white or plack plates are detected. The miniaturized design of the sensor helps to keep the Transfer Station flat. The Transfer Plate Sensor is connected to the StoreX system. The sensor status can be requested through the handling communication port.
